Monday, March 28, 2005

Love Me, I'm a Liberal

Thanks to TPM for this link on the privatization debate.

Standard & Poor's said Personal (privatized) Social Security accounts would "bring more risk than reward to investors".

Ok, well if one of the house organs of the American investment community says so.

And in the Love Me, I'm a Liberal category, this from Scripting News:
So on Saturday night at dinner, when one of our companions, a man who considers himself a conservative, in the mold of Limbaugh, DeLay or Hannity, a death penalty proponent who feels deeply for the parents of Terri Schiavo, used the L-word in an argument, I said "Wait a minute, that's a code-word that means, weak effeminate, etc." I told him if he's going to talk about that, I'm going to expose him for what he is, an emulator of loutish, idiotic talk show hosts who say they're conservatives, but come on, they're not conservative, they're idiots who got a gig that pays them for being idiotic. The stupider they are the more they make.


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