Thursday, April 21, 2005

All Mac All The Time

I was reading a blog wherein a fellow was lamenting the death of his Windows laptop and was thinking about a Mac and he asked for feedback. Nobody (out of 29 comments) tried to dissuade him from getting a Mac. The last comment is the best.
comments: "Two and half years ago I switched to a Powerbook G4 15' machine after >20 years as a DOS/Windows guy. I know these testimonials always sound like Jonestown transcripts, but I'll tell you this: I've never been more productive or creative in my life, and I think the hardware and software have played a significant role in that assessment.

Don't hesitate; just do it. Which Powerbook you choose is less important than discovering the liberation of OS X and all it enables.
Tom Guarriello - 4/21/05; 9:56:59 PM #"


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